This bag from Stilo is designed to carry a helmet and an FHR device, protecting them against scrapes or other types of damage. The bag features a heavy-duty outer layer, which acts as the initial protective layer against any knocks or scrapes. The padded inner is covered in a velvet liner which prevents scratches from occuring inside the bag. The net fabric that features on the sides of the bag allows the bag to improve airflow, helping to prevent mould from occurring. This helmet and FHR bag includes carry handles and an adjustable shoulder strap, making transportation effortless. Due to the size of the bag, it complies with rules and regulations set for air travel, allowing it to be classified as hand luggage.
Key Features:
- Soft velvet lining helps prevent scratches.
- Heavy-duty exterior protects against knocks and scrapes.
- Breathable net fabric prevents mould and improves airflow.
- Features a central double zip for easy access.
Hygiene policy
At GSM Performance, our priority is to maintain the utmost hygiene and quality standards for the benefit of our customers. To that end, we have instituted a policy that all purchases of long johns, balaclavas, tops, and underwear are final and non-returnable. This policy is necessary due to the personal nature of these items, which are worn in close contact with the body. This protocol is intended to guarantee the health and safety of all our customers.
This policy adheres to the best industry practices and safeguards both our customers and our staff. It’s important to clarify that this policy does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer. This policy does not apply if you receive damaged or defective products. In such cases, our customer service team is available to promptly address your concerns and arrange a replacement or refund. We greatly appreciate your understanding and adherence to our hygiene policy and thank you for your continued confidence in GSM Performance. For further information please see our terms and conditions which are agreed on checkout.